Today I went swimming in the ocean.
In the daytime.
Without my swimsuit.
I want to carry you
and for you to carry me
the way voices are said to carry over water.
Just this morning on the shore,
I could hear two people talking quietly
in a rowboat on the far side of the lake.
They were talking about fishing,
then one changed the subject,
and, I swear, they began talking about you.
Billy Collins
I joined in the festivities
I label this comment as random, and then proceed to say congratulations, isn't it exhilarating? Yes, I facebook stalked you, then found the URL to your blog, then blog stalked you, and have fallen in love with your blog.
Welcome to the Big Girls' Club - that is, the club of big girls who love life and delight in exotic tastes without defiling their bodies or ensnaring their least with legal/illegal stimulants.
I've gone skinny dipping quite a few times - and I must say day-time sun bathing is one of my ultimate highs! I did it a lot while I was in Africa. I've done it in rivers, two different hot springs (it was so steamy no one could see - I hope, a public lake early in the morning before anyone was there yet, a hotel hot tub...wait, that was at night. Oh well. The only thing I have to say it: just wait and see how fun it can be after you're married! Make sure to marry a guy who will find it just as thrilling as you do, or will at least enjoy letting you indulge while he watches - watches for intruders that is. :) Luv ya Anna. Hope to see you at Christmas.
Haha. Oh Abby...can I please just grow up and be you?
okay so i didn't see your comment you left me ages ago because i don't know how to work the blog thing but i found it! and then i found your blog... and then i found this lovely post. and it made me miss you, wait that was creepy because you were swimming without clothes on... that's not what i meant. anyways. maybe i am creepy... i think that's okay.
okay i miss you. we better actually talk over break.
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