I'm either happy or productive.
Today I'm happy
(Which sucks).
I need to be productive.
"If some great Power would agree to
make me always think what is true and
do what is right, on condition of being
turned into a sort of clock and wound up
every morning before I got out of bed, I
should instantly close with the offer."
-Thomas Henry Huxley
I would so much rather be happy and a little selfish and happy and a wee bit oblivious than to always be doing something I'm supposed to be doing. All the time! Yerrghghgh.
Today I want to eat Gardettos and ice cream and shave my legs and get started on my reading list in the sun. I want to write a song and a few letters and play with a baby or two and go on a hike and perform on stage tonight.
I suppose today I want to be a housewife.