Monday, April 16, 2012

clocks and things

I'm either happy or productive.
Today I'm happy
(Which sucks).
I need to be productive.

"If some great Power would agree to
make me always think what is true and
do what is right, on condition of being
turned into a sort of clock and wound up
every morning before I got out of bed, I
should instantly close with the offer."
-Thomas Henry Huxley

I would so much rather be happy and a little selfish and happy and a wee bit oblivious than to always be doing something I'm supposed to be doing. All the time! Yerrghghgh. 

Today I want to eat Gardettos and ice cream and shave my legs and get started on my reading list in the sun. I want to write a song and a few letters and play with a baby or two and go on a hike and perform on stage tonight.
I suppose today I want to be a housewife.



Laurie said...

This probably isn't the most appropriate forum, but I am dying to say: I believe I'm lurking in the background of one of the photos your dad took of you at graduation today. I looked up and all of the sudden you were walking down the ramp, posing for your dad and I thought "Hey. Anna" and then the photo was snapped and I was sitting in the 2nd row of graduates, looking straight in the lens. Congrats on graduating!

Anonymous said...

ANNA DAINES though we have spoken only a few times, I have, for some inexplicable reason, felt to pay you a much deserved compliment. INSPIRING is your unequivocal FREEDOM in expressing yourself through the English language. All that you have done is done ADMIRABLY. Please continue to be yourself. Great is the trail to are creating. I just thought I should let you know in case I never afford the opportunity otherwise. Continue Strong my friend!

Anonymous said...

ANNA DAINES though we have spoken only a few times, I have, for some inexplicable reason, felt to pay you a much deserved compliment. INSPIRING is your unequivocal FREEDOM in expressing yourself through the English language. All that you have done was done ADMIRABLY. Please continue to be yourself. Great is the trail to are creating. I just thought I should let you know in case I never afford the opportunity otherwise. Continue Strong my friend!


I want to carry you
and for you to carry me
the way voices are said to carry over water.

Just this morning on the shore,
I could hear two people talking quietly
in a rowboat on the far side of the lake.

They were talking about fishing,
then one changed the subject,
and, I swear, they began talking about you.

Billy Collins

that's all, folks


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