Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Farewell to Green

[Scenic Alpine Loop in Provo Canyon]

Autumn is my favorite season.
I can feel it slipping away, though, and all the pumpkins on my porch are starting to rot.
So my tribute to fall is a little overdue, perhaps, but here it is. In the form of a poem my little brother, Ethan (who just turned 9 last week) wrote. It is surprisingly wise:

[The assignment was to write a fall-themed poem with each line starting with a letter of "FALL." But he had more to say, so he expanded it to say "FALLING"]

Farewell to green
And good-morning colors 
Let's have some fun
Let's jump in piles
It's fall alright
Now it's time to say goodbye
Goodbye fall

And here's a poem by me, slightly less wise, but brought about entirely by a walk to school on a beautiful fall day.

[magic picnic in Sundance]

Today         10/18/10

I will skip class to read Robert Frost
In a halo of yellow leaves,
slightly shivering in the early light
 of what promises to be
A golden afternoon.

It’s just that sort of day.

Today I’ll remove my soft leather 
and my dark denim jeans, molded
precisely to the shape of my hips
and thighs.
They’ll flutter to the ground
like a piece of gently torn tissue paper-
two flapping legs.

My braided hair will untwist itself,
 pins shooting out like
porcupine quills
falling slowly to the earth
as waxy red leaves.

Off will fly my cable knit cardigan
(the color of forget-me-nots),
 Followed eagerly by scarf,
Today I’ll stand, naked and glowing,
In the pale autumn sun.
Just me and Robert.

And everyone who passes
 Will wonder-
 At the transcendent orb of metaphor
And olive skin (steadily growing pinker)
 That bounds between the branches
And bursts into the sky-
 A shower of amber beams. Rivulets

Of light.
Everyone will wonder, as the drops
cascade from their noses,
but soon they will see (they can’t help but see)
that it’s just that sort of day.
 Today they will see
and free

It’s just that sort of day.

Goodbye fall,


brooklynn said...

banana, you forgot about your panties

you scandalous little minx

i love you

Shea Stott said...

You used bother!!!

I love you!! I love you!


I want to carry you
and for you to carry me
the way voices are said to carry over water.

Just this morning on the shore,
I could hear two people talking quietly
in a rowboat on the far side of the lake.

They were talking about fishing,
then one changed the subject,
and, I swear, they began talking about you.

Billy Collins

that's all, folks


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