Tuesday, April 14, 2009

'Tis the Season

something about being at my parents' house makes me feel like it's Christmas. ...strange. Possible explanations include:
-the distinct and constant peppermint smell in my room
-it snowed yesterday
-last time I was here it was, in fact, Christmas.

Chilly photo shoot with Alisha and Margs
Usually the only lovin' I get in the freezer aisle is from Mr. Hagen Daaz

View from the front yard

I already miss the island with my whole heart, but am making the most and the best of my time here.
On the menu for tomorrow:
Utilizing the Spokane Transit Authority for the first time, attending community college undercover, talking to as many fascinating people as possible, and wrapping things up with a gnarly poetry slam.

love. anna.

1 comment:

Shea said...

Chilly photo shoot with Alisha and Margs------"OH MY GOSH!"


I want to carry you
and for you to carry me
the way voices are said to carry over water.

Just this morning on the shore,
I could hear two people talking quietly
in a rowboat on the far side of the lake.

They were talking about fishing,
then one changed the subject,
and, I swear, they began talking about you.

Billy Collins

that's all, folks


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