Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"um, I'm filming." {take one}

Have you ever noticed how terribly delightful videos that were supposed to be pictures are?
Never flattering to anyone.
that is fun.

I think I'm going to start a collection! So if you find any, don't delete them. I'd love to give them a happy home.

Here are some I just found on my current memory card:

my "before" picture attempt

My/ Shea's "candle-lit tent picnic" attempt

Sister jenabunny's "grumpy/ smoochy" attempt

my/ Jerusalem friend Molly's "blissful reunion" attempt

my "Look at me! I'm standing in front of Bethlehem University!" attempt

roommate Tauna's "kinda gangsta" attempt

love it,

1 comment:

alyssa said...

i'm so good at taking those!!!


I want to carry you
and for you to carry me
the way voices are said to carry over water.

Just this morning on the shore,
I could hear two people talking quietly
in a rowboat on the far side of the lake.

They were talking about fishing,
then one changed the subject,
and, I swear, they began talking about you.

Billy Collins

that's all, folks


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